Clean Master will improve your device’s performance by cleaning junk files, optimizing device memory, providing complete protection against viruses and managing the apps you installed.

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One of the highest rated apps in the world- Over 900 million downloads worldwide
- Helping users around the globe clean over 5.1 billion MB of junk files every day
- Freeing up over 3.5 billion MB of RAM every day to provide a smoother mobile experience for our users around the globe
Clean Master, the best Android mobile cleaner & booster can optimize your phone performance and keep your device clean and secure.
The newly added Notification Cleaner feature can block and clean up junk notifications easily to save you time from cleaning them manually.

Junk Files
Analyze and safely remove the junk files that take up your storage space.
Phone Boost
Kill off buggy apps that slow down your device and steal memory.
Keep your device safe from viruses, trojans, vulnerabilities, spyware and protect your personal information.
Battery Saver
Hibernate background battery draining apps to save power.